Si të bëni mbushje “Top Up” në llogarinë tuaj të ETAXI-t dhe të fitoni 10% bonus?
How to Top Up the ETAXI App Wallet and Win 10% Bonus Are you ready to enjoy the convenience and comfort of electric taxis in Prishtina, Kosovo with ETAXI? To make the most out of your rides, you need to have ETAXI app installed and an active user. Here's how you can...
Fuqia e Portalit për Biznese/Organizata: Thjeshtëso menaxhimin e udhëtimeve me ETAXI
The Power of Corporate Accounts Portal: Simplifying Travel Management with ETAXI For any modern business or organization, effective travel management is a key component of success. However, managing multiple corporate programs, departments, and staff can be a complex...
Uber në Prishtinë? Pse shërbimi i taksive i ETAXI është një alternativë më e mirë
Uber in Prishtina? Why ETAXI’s Taxi Service is a Better Alternative Have you ever tried to hail an Uber in Prishtina, only to find out that the service is not available in the city? If so, you're not alone. Despite the popularity of ride-hailing services like Uber and...
Si të bëni mbushje “Top Up” në llogarinë tuaj të ETAXI-t dhe të fitoni 10% bonus?
How to Top Up the ETAXI App Wallet and Win 10% Bonus Are you ready to enjoy the convenience and comfort of electric taxis in Prishtina, Kosovo with ETAXI? To make the most out of your rides, you need to have ETAXI app installed and an active user. Here's how you can...
Fuqia e Portalit për Biznese/Organizata: Thjeshtëso menaxhimin e udhëtimeve me ETAXI
The Power of Corporate Accounts Portal: Simplifying Travel Management with ETAXI For any modern business or organization, effective travel management is a key component of success. However, managing multiple corporate programs, departments, and staff can be a complex...
Uber në Prishtinë? Pse shërbimi i taksive i ETAXI është një alternativë më e mirë
Uber in Prishtina? Why ETAXI’s Taxi Service is a Better Alternative Have you ever tried to hail an Uber in Prishtina, only to find out that the service is not available in the city? If so, you're not alone. Despite the popularity of ride-hailing services like Uber and...
Shërbimi i parë i taksive me vetura elektrike në qytetin e Prishtinës. Shijoni udhëtimin tuaj pa ndotur ambientin dhe pa zhurmë.
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